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A Yet On And Even Less Instagram Apart From

Google Shoploop is therefore hunting for the brands most sought after by e-commerce regulars to make them available to everyone. In turn, Google Shoploop influencers make recommendations to brands, with the aim of publishing fairly “shock” videos of these brands’ products on the platform. A short and entertaining format Videos intendd to showcase products on Google Shoploop are usually very short . The purpose of these is to introduce consumers to new products in an entertaining way. Once on the platform, the consumer who is interestd in a viewd product can save the video to purchase the product later.

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He also has the option of clicking directly in the video on the merchant’s or influencer’s website in order to buy the product. This procdure is much more convenient for most buyers. In fact, originally, to obtain a product, Internet users follow Bulk SMS Kuwait a very specific path. Thus, when they are interestd in a product, they are forcd to go to other sites to collect customer reviews on it. You must then return to the online store site to complete your purchase. This new platform therefore brings together all these procdures for the purchase of a single product on a single site. Google, conquering teleshopping Google has thought of everything for its new application.

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It is also tending towards the launch of teleshopping , an online store like Amazon Live, teleshopping and other e-commerce stores. This JPB Directory new virtual store allows Google users to make purchases of all types online. This involves, for example, buying films or applications online via teleshopping. The consumer then finds himself right in the Google environment whether on the web, mobile or in front of his television. That is to say that he finds himself permanently in contact with offers encouragd by Google.

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