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The End User Is Freed From Any Technical

This made it possible to streamline the movement of information and documents relatd to operational activities and free up the resources of the financial manager. Sales. Applications for the supply of products were acceptd by managers by phone or in personal contact with the client. The task was set for IT to connect a standard WEB module for receiving applications. This allowd us to rduce an entire block of operations and free up resources both in the sales support department and in the sales department. Checking the availability of goods in the warehouse was carrid out by an extract manager from the sales support department.

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Specialists were taskd with activating the functionality of the accounting system in order to automatically check the availability of goods when Nursing Homes Email List generating shipping documents. As a result, manual operations and time to prepare shipments are rducd. Sales reports were compild manually by the financial manager basd on information from the accounting system and sent to end users. The transition to the BI system made it possible to automate this process, exclude the financial manager from it and increase the correctness of the data Stock.

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Of Using A Cloud Based System

Receipt of a set of documents for shipment. The package was formd by the sales support department and transferrd to the warehouse. The JPB Directory terms of reference for. IT have been formd to automatically generate a package. Of documents and send it for remote. Printing to a warehouse printer. The storekeeper completes the package and adds copies of the certificates to it. For the future, the task was set for the production. Department to enter copies of certificates into the accounting system and monitor their relevance. As a result, manual operations are rducd. The formation of a report on the balances in the warehouse.

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