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Why are your customers unsubscribing from your emails

Why are your customers In january, the free email unsubscription service unroll.Me released. A  list of companies that lost the most email subscribers in 2013. The top ten websites – most of which belong to well-known corporations – all had at least a 40 percent unsubscribe rate.

Do you find yourself bleeding email subscribers each month? There may be a few things that you’re doing wrong. In an article on the Why are your customers marketing blog biznology, digital marketing professional monique de maio advised that small business owners avoid the following email marketing pitfalls:

Sending too many emails – your customers don’t want to hear from you everyday.

“Let your customers miss you just a little bit and maybe they will look. Forward to your emails instead of wishing you would go away,” de maio wrote. “Take a hard and honest look at your email frequency and ask yourself if you were receiving. Them instead of sending them if you would want that many.

Not sending enough emails

It is possible to communicate too little. If you take too long to send a message, your subscribers simply may have no idea who you. Are and decide that they don’t want any more of your emails.

Poor design – don’t forget that more buy phone leads than half of all adults. In the united states are users of mobile devices. If your emails are not optimized for smartphones. And tablets, there is a good chance that your customers will stop reading your content.

Writing bad subject lines – subject lines Why are your customers should. Be pretty short – five to eight words – and should be interesting and relevant. Avoid using exclamation points and all capital letters. No one wants to be shouted at – even through text.

Small business interested in pursuing online marketing solutions and increasing their internet presence should consider partnering with keymedia solutions.

Mobile payment technology is a hot topic at the moment

Comscore analysis found that more online shopping is taking place on mobile devices than desktop computers. This is, of course, great JPB Directory news for anyone who is running an online store, but smartphone and tablet accessibility is critical. For anyone who has a consumer-focused website, whether or not they are selling anything on it.

Smartphones and tablets aren’t just tools for shopping. Individuals read, communicate with friends and browse the web on their devices. If they Why are your customers happened to come across your site, would they like what they saw? A 2012 google survey found that 74 percent of visitors are more. Likely to return to a site if it’s mobile friendly. Sixty-one percent of respondents said that they would leave a site immediately if they couldn’t view it well on a smartphone or tablet.

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