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Online travel shopping shifting to mobile

When more than half of the adults in the united states own a mobile device, one can assume that the activities that were once performed on desktop computers are being performed on smartphones and tablets. According a new emarketer analysis, mobile travel sales are expected to increase 60 percent from 2013 to reach $26 billion.

The research group also speculates that Online travel shopping  by 2018, mobile’s share of digital travel shares will reach 37 percent. At the same time, sales via laptop and desktop computers are expected to decrease.

“Increased mobile penetration is pushing travel companies to develop better, easier mobile booking experiences, and growth in the mobile travel market is driven by several factors,” the report states. “Both tablets and smartphones have unique use cases in the travel purchasing process. The ability to purchase anything, anywhere, at any time via smartphones creates significant opportunities in the travel space in particular.

According to the study there is a divide between

How smartphone and tablet users use their devices for travel bookings. Smartphone sales typically involve smaller, last-minute transactions like an emergency rental car or a hotel room change. Tablet travel shopping is more of a “Lean back” activity in which consumers are usually at home, making larger purchases. Emarketer predicts that this shopping trend will increase the dollar value of travel sales.

So, what does this study mean for buy telemarketing call list the Online travel shopping  small business owner? As we’ve said previously on this blog, pursuing mobile advertising solutions is the way to reach your tech-savvy customer base. If your clients are regular travelers, then this information is especially important.

To learn more about the benefits of mobile marketing, consider partnering with an internet marketing service like keymedia solutions.

Within the generation there are some notable differences

In opinions about the importance of mobile. More men than women think that mobile is important. The same holds true for younger millennials JPB Directory compared to the older end of the demographic.

Small businesses that want to attract Online travel shopping  this increasingly important demographic will need to incorporate mobile into their marketing strategies. Partnering with an internet marketing agency like keymedia solutions will help you increase your internet presence and keep you ahead of your competitors.

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