Making your emails more mobile friendly

Smartphones and tablets are quickly replacing desktop computers. As the go-to devices for simple activities like surfing the. Web or checking email. If email is a major component of your digital marketing strategy, it is imperative that. You design messages that are optimized for mobile devices. Messages that don’t fit into a screen, or require too much. Scrolling to get to the important. Details, will quickly get deleted.

Column layout – using a single column will prevent readers from having. To scroll to the side or reorienting their devices just to see. More of the message. This format will enable the message to be easy to read on smaller screens.
Extra space – if your message includes Making your emails  multiple links or buttons, you’ll want. To make sure that they’re spaced far enough apart so that a user’s fingers. Doesn’t hit the wrong one by mistake.

Subject line – make use of the subject line and mention. Therefore, the most important point of your email. Viewers will be much more likely to open it if they think that it’s relevant.

Here are some factors to consider when drafting mobile-friendly emails

Text length – you’ll want to keep your messages short and to the point. Mobile device users want convenience and do not want to spend calling lists their Making your emails  time reading long marketing emails. You should also make sure the font size is large enough so that the reader doesn’t need to zoom in.
It’s important to remember that designing emails. Therefore, for mobile devices shouldn’t be done at the detriment of your messages created for desktop computers. To give all of your messages a consistent look, consider implementing responsive design.

Small businesses interested in exploring mobile advertising

Solutions should consider partnering with keymedia solutions.
For the past few years, many marketers have focused their efforts on generation y. Also known as millennials, members of this group are characterized. Therefore, by their use of technology and their high levels of social engagement. While this is an important demographic to target, you may want to direct your. Therefore, attention toward a newly Making your emails  recognized group known as “Generation c.”

Generation c is not bound to an age range, but JPB Directory rather the behaviors. Therefore, that all of its members share. The “C” stands for “Connected,” meaning that people. Therefore, in this group are constantly connected to the internet. According to a nielsen survey, their ages range from 18-34 and they check their mobile devices 110 times a day on average.

In a piece on business2community.Com, maryland-based marketer. Therefore, kathleen booth wrote that marketers must reach generation c through their preferred medium.

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