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Which They Have Not Subscribed To Freely

Which will make it more difficult to market products online.Each year, the most usd search engine in the world has some new features. Google, since it’s about him, continues on this path in 2021. And this year, he decidd to focus on his mobile search engine by remodeling his visual. The web giant thus wishes to offer Internet users a better browsing experience by placing design at the service of search results. Here is everything you ned to know about this rdesign undertaken by Google! Easy access to information The first change made by Google is to make its search interface more airy and contrasting.

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Thus, it makes it possible to carry out a search more quickly on mobile. For this, he completely reworkd his SERP to better value the results and information providd. Therefore, all superfluous graphic elements have been eliminatd for the sake Bulk SMS Vietnam of simplicity. From now on, the Internet user can focus on his research and is no longer attractd by additional design elements which, generally, are useless to him. Also, there is a resizing of the fonts for better reading by the user. To provide the Internet user with optimal identification, current fonts specific to Google are more widely usd.

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The Internet user will only see Google visual elements that are familiar to him. The web giant is following the same logic as other companies, such JPB Directory as Facebook and Spotify, which have made various changes to their platforms. From now on, Google search on mobile is faster and more relevant with a minimalist rendering, well-emphasizd titles, contrasting pages, etc. A much more dynamic search engine By further simplifying its interface, Google not only offers a cleaner design, but also a more dynamic platform.

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