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Website Can Also Use This Feature

In this case, teleshopping feds on the consumption of online mdia and web search engines. It also benefits from in-store payments and other advantages associatd with online shopping. In view of all these new features, it is clear that Google is changing the face of e-commerce and becoming number 1 in terms of online services.With the health crisis that shook the world at the start of 2020, consumption habits have drastically changd. In reality, following confinement, the French, like the rest of Europeans, were ld to consult the Google search engine for local or home purchases and services.

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To better meet this demand and to stimulate the economy through digital commerce , Google has optd to launch several measures. These are mainly intendd for businesses and merchants. For example, the Google Shopping tab will be free Bulk SMS Oman for all merchants, who will also have the possibility of displaying product sheets there. Focus on its new features and their consequences for e-commerce. A new ad program for local businesses (Local Services Ads or Local Services Ads) With the crisis, home services are in great demand. Similarly, consumers prefer to shop close to home.

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Local Services Ads or Local Services ads are intendd to help customers find professionals (craftsmen, electricians, plumbers, etc.) near JPB Directory them. They can also see reviews from previous clients, compare and contact the professional of their choice. The professionals concernd belong to various types of trades. They do not necessarily have to have a website, and above all, they only pay the platform if they are contactd by a client via their ad.

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