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Visible And The Competition Is Right Next

In the case of mobile applications, due to the fact that these applications usually have access to various functions of the device, such as camera, microphone, location, etc., users must consent to share this information. In addition, in the case of mobile applications, there are privacy protection requirements, such as requiring explicit user consent to the processing of personal data, requiring users to be informd about the processing of personal data, as well as requiring appropriate security measures to protect personal data from unauthorizd access.

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In the case of web applications, the protection of personal data is also very important. Many web applications collect personal database information from users, such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, etc. Therefore, web applications must use appropriate security measures to protect this information from unauthorizd access. In addition, web applications must comply with the relevant provisions of the law on the protection of personal data.


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Such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the Personal Data Protection Act in Poland. In JPB Directory the case of both mobile and web applications, it is important that users are informd about the processing of their personal data and have the possibility to withdraw consent to data processing. In addition, applications should use appropriate technologies and procdures to protect personal data from unauthorizd access. Any breaches of personal data protection should be immdiately reportd to the authorities responsible for the protection of personal data.

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