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Trouble attracting Millennial customers

Millennial consumers are the digital marketer’s dream. They have buying power that is expected to grow and they are extremely tech savvy. Many small business owners know that they need to attract this demographic, but have difficulties completing the task. What are they doing wrong?

In an article on the website business 2 community, boston-based marketing professional jenn reichenbacher listed the most common Trouble attracting Millennial  reasons why small business owners fail to attract younger consumers. We’ve highlighted her most important points below:

Against “Showrooming” – for those of you who are unfamiliar, “Showrooming” is the action of browsing a store in-person while at the same time looking for a better deal online through the use of a mobile device. Discouraging the use of smartphones in your store will only push customers away. Creating a quality online store is the key to deal with this issue.

Lacking e commerce presence

Millennials like to shop online. If you don’t have an easy-to-navigate shopping website, potential customers may choose to buy goods from a competitor instead. A bad e-commerce site may also cause a visitor to think that your brick-and-mortar Trouble attracting Millennial  establishment is not well run.

No mobile presence – “Expecting people cell phone number list to access your regular site through their mobile devices is a mistake,” reichenbacher wrote. “All too often, standard websites load slowly or are rendered incorrectly on mobile devices. One solution is to create a mobile friendly version of your site. An even better option is to revamp your site to have a responsive design, which means it automatically renders correctly across all devices.

Small businesses that want to stay ahead of their competitors

Should consider partnering with an internet marketing firm like keymedia solutions.
Speak their language – examine JPB Directory the social media accounts of your competitors. And study the types of comments left by customers and fans. You’ll want Trouble attracting Millennial  your advertising messages to speak to them in the same. Manner and address any common concerns that the audience seems to have.
Small businesses interested in learning more about targeted internet marketing should consider partnering with keymedia solutions.

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