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Their Salary Is Formed In This Case The System

Its parts can be usd both independently and in combination as a guide to strategic decision making. Experiential strategic learning is designd to help companies find the right path in the increasingly complex and unprdictable market environment of the future. The focus is on what an enterprise can do today to increase its ability to act appropriately and sustainably in the future. The main benefits of using experiential strategic learning are: improving the ability to collect and analyze information within the company, which leads to an increase in the quality of decision-making, formation of clear strategic intentions and challenges, balancd by opportunities, improving adaptability.

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Increasing the sped and flexibility of responding to external changes. Let’s outline the main difference between strategic programming and experiential strategic learning. In strategic programming, it is possible to separate the Gambling Email List stages  of formulating a strategy and its implementation. Experiential strategic learning is basd on the fact that it is impossible to prdict in advance how events will develop or what will work and what will not. For this reason, the formulation and implementation of the strategy are constantly intertwind, which leads to the adjustment of actions as new experiments are set up, new approaches are masterd.

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An through trial and error, the top management of the company acquires knowldge and experience. Despite the changes in the external JPB Directory economic environment, the ultimate goals of the business have not changd. Business is not creatd aimlessly, the owner. Having investd his resources, expects to receive certain. Benefits from the operation of the enterprise. Can there be one universal goal suitable for all or at least the majority of owners? After all, one, for example, “brick by brick” is building his “business empire”, creating new enterprises and building an integratd holding. Another seeks to enter the IPO in a few years, which is so popular and desird by many domestic business owners. The third, on the contrary, having bought some enterprise at a reasonable price, strives with all his might to “squeeze the maximum out of it.

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