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Strategists And A Portfolio Of Services Ranging

Creativity, excellence and sharing are values ​​upheld by the school and are transcribd in pdagogy. 301, the school of digital in the company 301 is a new generation school that was creatd by the association of 3 leading digital companies: HelloWork, MV Group and Klaxoon. The purpose of the creation of this school is to put students in a professional environment in order to instill in them working methods usd in business to be able to respond to rapid changes in society. 301 prepares for different jobs such as web designer, web marketing expert, digital project manager.

They Are A Team Of Experienced

Web analyst, SEO referrer, community manager. The school welcomes its students in 750m2 of new premises in Saint-Grégoire near Electrical Contractors Email List Rennes. Digital College, which “does not recruit the elite, but the form” The Digital College will allow its students to understand skills in another way to reveal their ambitions. On its 6 campuses (Paris La Défense, Lyon, Montpellier, La Réunion, Douala, Yaoundé, Casablanca), the Digital College offers training relatd to digital from post-baccalaureate level to Bac+5. We can find courses in digital communication and e-influence, digital marketing and sport, web marketing  etc.

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Web Designers Copywriters And Brand

In addition, the school has associations, such as the BDE. A music production club, a Twitch club, a basketball association. And a video club. In addition, the Digital College has creatd. A digital campus offering degree courses. Entirely JPB Directory online, accessible from Bac+3 level. GEN, the Great Digital School GEN is one of the few schools to give people without a diploma the opportunity to train in digital professions . The training offerd by the Grande École du Numérique is providd throughout the territory and, for some, even online! The Digital School, an innovative ambition to achieve The Digital School is basd on three main ducational pillars: technology, business and creativity.

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