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Of Course In Order To Extend Solutions

Try not to scroll: stable screens look more convincing; do not use complex design solutions for the sake of beauty – if the design does not improve interaction, then it can be abandond, and the narcissism of a specialist developer is useless here. It is also worth using standard navigation models. The page may not have any navigation at all if it is a weather forecast that fits comfortably on one screen. The standard ones are tab bars and nestd lists. These are classic suggestion navigation solutions. The rest are considerd non-standard. Also consider which set of keyboards will provide text input.

With A Consistent And Experience

It is best to use horizontal orientation – it is convenient not only for smartphones, but also for tablets. As for experiments with gestures, they Architects Email List can all look funny, but not always appropriate. After all, a “standard” smartphone user is a person with a glass of coffee cigarette briefcase in his hand, and he does not want to “draw” anything on the screen. Two-handd gestures are especially inconvenient. Also keep in mind that for smartphones, a vertical screen arrangement is more popular, and for a tablet, a horizontal one. Accordingly, the content neds to be optimizd for this location.

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Way We Undertake Each Purpose

The application must respond to any user interaction with it. The signal of successful communication can be sound, vibration or light. The JPB Directory user should always understand that the application does not hang. And do not forget about those cases where the user neds confirmation of actions – by default, offer the action that is most secure from the client’s point of view. This will help you avoid embarrassing mistakes. Also teach the application to remember exactly where, at what stage the user stoppd last time.

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