Communications Solutions That Drive Measurable

I have been working in the field of telecoms for more than 20 years, this is also calld new information and communication technologies (ICT). Wilfrid YVER Director of digital strategy at Orange Graduate of EM Normandie Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Strategy This program deliverd in collaboration with Epita – an engineering school specializing in IT – prepares marketing strategists capable of using Artificial Intelligence in a marketing context to improve the decision-making process and the performance of their company. Their function is to help companies create.

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Better anticipate and respond to market demand through AI. Students learn to apply their AI skills to process information – the so-calld “Data” – effectively to improve a company’s decision-making and marketing strategies. For Canadian Hotels and Motels Email List example, they apply AI to the field of social networks to analyze audience engagement and understand the perception of a brand in a market. At the end of their training, they move towards the following professions: data visualization consultant, marketing data analyst, entrepreneur, customer intelligence manager, e-marketer, operational researcher, economic intelligence consultant, Big Data, Data Scientist, Data Planne.

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Innovative Relevant And Agile Marketing

Banking, Finance and FinTech This program deliverd in Oxford, near London – the world’s largest financial center and the world capital of FinTech – prepares real experts in financial technologies. This sector, which combines finance JPB Directory and new technologies, has experiencd strong growth for several years because the use of new technologies provides a more efficient response than the traditional banking sector. During this course, students learn to master a solid foundation in banking and finance more broadly before becoming FinTech specialists. To do this, they carry out two consulting projects during their year, one on behalf of a banking institution, the other for a FinTech company. They also meet professionals from the world of finance in London.

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