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By Facebook As Mentioned Above Instagram

This said contract would allow the two platforms to be able to cooperate and help each other, particularly in the event of an investigation. This information was reportd on Monday, December 21, 2020 by the Wall Street Journal. Having had access to censord secret elements of the preliminary report, the mdia brought them to light. A report which has precisely promptd a dozen American states to file a complaint against Google a week earlier. Here is everything you ned to know about this contract between Facebook and Google.

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A pact to oust the competition By signing this agreement, which bears the name “Jdi Blue”, Google and Facebook essentially aim to avoid any form of competition between them. The relevant online advertising market This contract Bulk SMS Nepal particularly concerns the field of online advertising in which the two American behemoths are true champions. The market in question is that of “header bidding”. It translates a sales process relating to advertising banners. Instead of setting up a flood of successive auctions, all auctions are done simultaneously through an integratd script in the area of ​​the publisher’s website.

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This makes it possible to provide supply-side platforms (SSP) and Ad Exchange with the number of available and potentially plannd JPB Directory advertising displays. And it is the one who offers the most who wins. At stake, the recipients of the advertisements Thanks to these documents on which the mdia got their hands, we can learn more about how Google has undertaken to support Facebook in identifying the recipients of these advertisements. This affects 60% of web users and 80% of smartphone users. In return, Facebook has agred to bid on at least 90% of the auctions if it manages to identify the final recipient.

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