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Around Their Idols And Is Experiencing A Significant

No less than 300,000 fans were delightd to participate. pringles whatsapp campus The Pringles Campus 2013 poster organizd by the brand on WhatsApp. The essential Coca-Cola, notably with its ShareACoke campaign. The principle was that customers could on this occasion put the first name of a lovd one, or their own for that matter, to share it with the contact of their directory of their choice. In barely 2 days, the brand had been able to register more than 1,000 participants.

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Whatsapp marketing coca The Coco-Cola brand ShareACoke launchd on WhatsApp. Another case is that of Toyota, which made a real masterstroke RV Owners Mailing List with the “Hybrid-Toi” campaign. 33,000 visits with 6,500 recordd in the first month. Finally, the Chinese site Wish, which tracks orders from its buyers on WhatsApp. This channel makes it easy to follow up with customers who have abandond their cart on the site, without finalizing it. To lure the customer, the site generally offers discounts on the product(s) addd to the basket by the customer. A method that turns out to be very effective.

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Since in most cases, the customer returns to the application to check the promotional offer offerd to him.On May 5, John Ciancutti, Director JPB Directory of Engineering at Google Podcasts, made himself the author of a press release carrying this announcement . Inded, it will now be possible for podcasters to draw up, step by step, the listening path of their respective users. The podcast: what are we talking about? The podcast is an audio or sometimes even video file that is broadcast on the Internet. This new trend combines both innovation and a return to the very old technologies of the 90s.

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