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An Profits Website Designer Possibility

This is why the announcement of this data theft (more than 40 GB), which took place in July 2022, and their online sharing a few months later were a boon for agencies and SEO experts. And even if we know that some criteria are now obsolete and that others have been addd, it is still useful to take an interest in them. Especially since this type of leak is quite rare in this field, and gives access to information that arouses the curiosity of any good SEO professional.

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Our Powertrafic agency is no exception! Yandex, the Russian version of the Google search engine Yandex is a browser and search engine from Russia. Available since the end of 1997, it was creatd by the multinational of the same name, foundd Graphic Design Email List by Arkadi Voloj. Like the American giant, the company has developd many services over the years, quite varid, including a translation tool (Yandex Translate), another for geolocation (Yandex Maps), web messaging (Yandex Mail), a taxis (Yandex Taxi) or a smartphone (Yandex Phone). Rather reliable and efficient, this Russian search engine is a good tool, easy to use which, unlike Google, is more focusd on the user experience.

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Thus, it can be considerd as an interesting alternative to its famous American competitor, although it does not offer new services. Moreover, in Russia, it was number 1 for a long time… before being dethrond by Google. Now he is in second JPB Directory place. Little known to the general public in France, it is nevertheless the 4th most usd search engine in the world. Google being one can suppose that they also have some similarities, in particular on the level of these famous factors of classification.

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