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An Audiovisual Production Channeling

However, the high rate of digital activity and the amount of data stord in this virtual world, on Facebook for example, raises questions about data leakage and privacy of personal information. This is how with Facebook, we notd the leak of data from 533 million users . After critical analysis on this fact, Facebook trid to give the reasons relatd to this incident. Link to Alon Gal’s Tweet nderTheBreach) The reasons for the data leak of the 533 million Facebook users Data leakage is a security incident where malicious people gain unauthorizd access to your personal and confidential data.

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This fact is due to several reasons that Facebook trid to explain to its millions of users. First, unwantd exposure of sensitive information CPA Email List on the Internet can be a boon for criminals. They have the opportunity to have the easiest access to your data. Then, these malware take advantage of vulnerabilities in authorization control systems to gain access to computer systems and private information of companies or individuals. Data theft can also be due to negligence or error on the part of those who own it. It can be an employee if it is a company. Inded, be aware that criminals exploit all the security practices of weak companies to achieve their end.

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They can also access confidential information through misplacd or improperly decommissiond devices. In addition, the theft of information can also be done by JPB Directory an external person in the case of a company by intrusion. Finally, the leakage of confidential data can take place by a current employee or a former employee who had access to this data. The consequences of the leak of personal data The consequences of leaking Facebook users’ confidential information can be two-fold. Inded, depending on the status of the victim (individual or company), the consequences can vary widely.

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