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A Clear Understanding Of What Goals

An example of customer segmentation basd on demographic criteria is: Tourism business: there are tours for each segment in the assortment. Mdicine and beauty industry: clinics for children and adults; clinics specializing in women’s and men’s health men’s, women’s and children’s hairdressers. Restaurant business: establishments are usually focusd on family holidays, business meetings, romantic evenings, company holidays, etc. There are establishments for different ages and interests.

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A more advancd target audience segmentation criterion is psychographic data . They may include various benefits and motives, frequency of purchases, degree of readiness to purchase, company loyalty, volume of purchases, and other B2B Email List parameters. An example of segmentation of customers according to this criterion is the division of buyers into “cold”, “warm” and “hot” according to the degree of interest and readiness to purchase. Obviously, each of these segments requires its own strategy, methods and duration of work. Customer segmentation methods Target audience segmentation methods include several approaches. The most popular are the 5W method, Khramatrix, and segmentation basd on LTV (CLV). Method 5W The method is calld so because it includes 5 questions.

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English version begin with the letter What – What: describes the product you are selling. Who – Who is your potential customer. Why – Why the specifid audience should purchase your product. What neds, interests, requests it will help to JPB Directory satisfy each of the segments. When – When exactly your offer will be relevant. Where – Where, that is, a place, a platform on the Internet, a situation in which the buyer learns about your offer, will make a decision and, in fact, make a purchase. Khramatrix A more complex method that, in addition to the above questions, includes customer segmentation by geographic and demographic data, behavioral parameters, and also takes into account the degree of readiness.

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